You do dance, you see dance. . . Want to know more about the cultural, historical, social, political, or art-related dimensions of dance??? 1. Come to our lectures 2. Take a dance lecture/seminar course 3. Check out these events at neighboring institutions!
AT BRYN MAWR: Visual Culture Series – November 1, 2017
College Hall 224 12:30-2pm (Good!) Refreshments served
Mark Franko Chair, Dance Department, Temple University
“Can We Inhabit a Dance? Reflections on Dancing the ‘Bauhaus Dances’ in Dessau”
Eminent dance historian, Mark Franko, will discuss the reconstruction of Oskar Schlemmer’s “Bauhaus Dances” from the perspective of the spectator and the performer and in relation to architectural space. Scenes from Debra McCall’s film of “Bauhaus Dances” will be projected as part of the talk.
Click Temple or UARTS for links to their schedules of really interesting lectures, demonstrations, or dialogues at Temple University or University of the Arts in Philly, ranging from the famous drag interpreter of Martha Graham, Richard Move, to the French Rwandan
choreographer Dorothee Munyaneza, or from Katherine Dunham and the diaspora, to NYC performance practices.